Saturday, January 8, 2011

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double, Double, and Gemini in the mirror "Psichophotography" by Giovanni Savino. Marco


I think I see my
through a lens that I
refract and multiply, all
figures that move
around me are all
I get angry and I their
way to act .... "

ETA Hoffmann

Talking about the "Double" allows you to take an introspective journey fascinating but also devious and evasive.
The man, in fact, has always been fascinated by himself, and has often dealt with the analysis of art itself, or its "self "as John Savino in his work" Psychophotography.
It 's a novel Savino, p ver cerebral and playful at the same time, in pursuit of dizzying possibilities of digital technology and the unconscious as a dimension suffered not only played but also experienced. It 's a psychedelic but Savino aware that contact with the inner world of his fantasies requires more effort, pain, suffering and self-denial
knowledge of external reality, because we can not use rationality and why the mirror image confronts us with sometimes unpleasant or too far the idea we have of ourselves.
E 'the mirror is the master in this photographic production. We know that in all cultures, civilizations and peoples, the Shadow, the Double, the Mirror - understood as a projection of our own I - have always been the magical aura of fear instilled a
and mystery around him.
Just think of the same Latin word "imago-inis", whose meaning is not only related to the visual sphere, optics, but also to the "appearance" and indeed, the word "imago" can be translated as "eco , visions, dreams, apparitions, with obvious allusion to the realm of magic, the spell, the love for oneself.
There is also the fear of not being able to see his reflection in the mirror, a sign of evil, demonic, a distinctive feature of the stories about vampires.
The theme of the double is a "fable about the human condition," has always been torn between good and evil, righteousness and corruption, innocence and knowledge. In the prismatic
theme of doubleness, appear different nuances may become manifest as our shadow self - as in the story of Peter Schlemihl Adalbert Von Chamisso, or in the tale of Andersen's Shadow, is also the double Our image in the mirror - think of the history of Erasmus in The Adventures of New Year's Eve of Hoffmann, but perhaps, in the popular imagination, twice is fully explicit in the figure of doubles, as it appears in 'Devil's Elixir of Hoffmann, in The Impersonator of Dostoevsky, the key to the study of Freud's Uncanny, "unheimlich", a term Freud himself described as untranslatable into other languages. It is the antithesis of the word "heimlich," "comfortable, quiet," which comes from "heim", "home" and "unheimlich" is what, in contrast, arouses fear, suspicion, anxiety, why not known, familiar, everyday.
In common parlance the word "uncanny" is pointed out a peculiar situation, a discomfort, a doubling, in reference to a loss of identity, to alienation, and this unease about the subject, I , his unconscious.
In this gallery we play with the author and lightweight, almost like children enjoy doing word games, riddles, puzzles, puzzle, but sometimes we shocked by the sudden emergence of a figure to double, invasion unconscious in the field of consciousness, a "return of the repressed," which often takes on the traits of demonic, because, well look, there is as Freud pointed out "the occurrence of death anxiety, which, shunned as grief and pain, comes back in the real, the mocking and grinning figure of Impersonator. "What is excluded, removed, in short, the familiar becomes uncanny and torment.
The double is the "other" part of us, but we do not know what we are rational, what we are.
At the base of creation, and therefore also the basis of artistic creation as in the case of Savino, there is always a finding indivisible primordial (from the Lat. individuus, consisting of in-and negative dividuus to share, which follows the term gr. atomon composed of a-negative and Temne = cut), which, to be perceived, needed a cut, twin of duplicity, of the division but also the relationship and interaction, and the mirror image of the game.
The Gemini nomination Savino, Cosmas and Damian, are sometimes the struggle that a human being must do to overcome the internal contradictions and oppositions are sometimes very similar, two copies each of ' another, and in this case expressing the unity of a duality balance, inner harmony achieved by reducing the multiple to one.
After the duality, the duality is nothing more than appearance or hall of mirrors.
Basically the story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is not that a beautiful fable about the human condition: each of us is Dr. Jekyll and, of course, everyone is Mr.Hyde, even if you do not give a see or find it hard to admit it or even completely unaware. Who has not thought about or at least once in your life that you want to be able to give vent to
emotions, feelings or fantasies, strange pleasures, brutal, perverse, but feel unable to do so for legal compliance with a law, a moral law or respect for his reputation? Pirandello's characters do not resemble those, locked in the prison of the mask?
So "double" what is the bottom? And 'the alter ego that exists in everyone, discreet and quiet that accompanies us, throughout our existence, and then emerge, re-emerge, appear in dreams every night.
Fear and desire we do with the relationship of each of us with his unconscious, and sometimes behind a deep desire lurks the fear of discovering something upsetting ourselves.
Stevenson, Jekyll is a prophesy that "man is not truly one, but two is truly [...] and will ultimately be recognized as a mere aggregation of individuals multifarious, incongruous and independent of each other" and that all these identities coexist forcibly overpower waiting to emerge.


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