Friday, December 24, 2010

Owners Manual For 1987 Fleetwood Wilderness Yukon

Winter Solstice, Christmas, Sol Invictus, Saturnalia, Candlemas: DEATH AND REBIRTH IN SYMBOLS micro and macrocosm




Since time immemorial, from the icy forests of northern Europe to warm Mediterranean, from the arid highlands of Armenia to endless plains of Asia, our ancestors expected, with anxiety, this sacred day, the Winter Solstice on 21 December , the day when the light seems to succumb to the darkness of darkness.
Huge fireworks, singing and prayers, is raised to heaven, how to help the star of the day to resume its upward path and raise in the cosmic event, which culminates at the Summer Solstice, with the triumph of light, heat, ; of life.
The imperial Rome evoked the reversal of the sun, in the Saturnalia, the feasts dedicated to the god Saturn, which were reversed during the social roles: the slaves gave orders to their masters, slaves to obey their masters. The pre-Christian Rome celebrating the Winter Solstice as the dies natalis solis, the day of the birth of the sun, which later became the Christian Rome dies natalis Christi, the day of the birth of Christ, New Light emerging.
is, this Solstice, the point at which the leaves, lost the fascinating colors and fan- tasiose geometries, which fell to ruins crumpled, now mixed with Mother Earth the new form humus, ready to feed the tiny seed, which a skilful hand entrusted to the earth. is the moment of pause, reflection, meditation, which will enable man, attracted by the high peaks, like the mythical Apricorn, in which the Sun enters the sign of the winter solstice, and continue to rise, with awareness, the journey into the labyrinth of his inner-Corinth. It is a time of transition from darkness to light is the deva-yana, the way the gods of the Hindu tradition, is the Janua caeli the Roman tradition, the gateway,
ie, the sky, the realm of the transcendent, that which nourishes hope. no coincidence that the winter solstice is identical with the feast of San Giovanni Evangelista , the John who ride the popular tradition, the beloved disciple of Christ , which, spreading her story, offered the world to the eternal flame of hope . This is what we conjure up the lights turned on ' fir.
After December 21 the "light" begin to increase, albeit still not very noticeable on the day will grow; This phase marks the transition from black to white , by attention to practical problems and materials to the psychological or spiritual individual.
From December 21 onward, however, the sun begins to broaden his path in the sky, this amounts to a symbolic rebirth, as well as the seed prepares to break the clods to emerge into the light and the day begins to gain ground on the night just begins to increase the inner light of one who has embarked on her spiritual journey.
The slow transition from black to white, as well as the lengthening of the day, be seen as an initial preparatory work on what will be the great cleansing of the unconscious which will come at Candlemas, February 2 and at The Celts took the name of Imbolc.
What does this work?
The Hermetic philosophers called it in several ways: mixed essence, blackness, putrefactio, etc.. and depicted as an old body (Saturn senex, lead) which began to decompose to become in a young man, or rather, in two young (Apollo and Diana, the Sun and the Moon).
Lead, Saturn (the feast of December 21 was in ancient Rome called "Saturnalia") is the symbol of the unconscious weighted, closed on its hard shell, but that is beginning to be more fluid like the seed that sprouts, which breaks the integuments that enclose to be born as a new plant.
Similarly in order to be purified must "open up" the unconscious individual who until now has been filled by a ' core activities, instinctive, unconscious, which is intended only to replicate itself in a closed circle and eternally identical . 'Man can not produce that Man, as required by the law of the Snake, that the mere sexual reproduction Substance Black Saturnalia is the equivalent of "initiatory death" that the neophyte should try to receive enlightenment and knowledge, but what we really see, as philosophers have repeatedly said, is only the "negrezza superior" or the astronomical event of the Solstice with the longest night of the year.
Janus (Janus Bifrons) the ancient Italic god, the father of all gods, was placed to guard the solstices that were considered "doors" , the Winter Solstice enter the men, leaving the Summer Solstice of the Gods.
Janus is the god of thresholds ; legend that came alongside a good god Saturn, Wise Man, who taught agriculture and so began the golden age.
The Kingdom of Saturn is so the beginning of the Opera, which, as mentioned above, is when negrezza appears, ie at the Winter Solstice.
It is Janus, the port and the key fact is the key, along with the scepter of power, a symbol of Janus.
the Saturnalia (Yula) the two substances, the noble and the vulgar, are "mixed" and can not be distinguished, even at the beginning seems to be giving precedence to the vulgar "blackness." This explains why during the festivities of the Saturnalia Ancient Rome slaves and masters were placed at the same level, or even the roles were reversed . This custom has survived until the Middle Ages, when the period of the Winter Solstice, from the day of Saint Nicholas (in Latin, Sanctus Nicolaus, who later became Holy of Santa Claus or Klaus), convents was elected a young episcopo jokes and parodies that ran against their superiors that they could only obey.
Another reminiscence of the Saturnalia is the gambling , who despite being banned in the rest of the year was exceptionally permissible during the period of the Winter Solstice.
It is said that the Tarot represent the esoteric world's oldest book, written in the form of card game to ensure that never sets.
Today Janus, the two were replaced John , guarding the doors solstice, but here, in many paintings, check the cup in the hand of the Evangelist, the receptacle, with a note Serpe Art and, in summer, the severed head of John the Baptist marked the beginning of the decline.
Today terms like putrefatio, darkness, glorious death, etc.., May sound macabre, but they derive from the fact, once under the eyes of all, a seed buried in the ground before give rise to a new plant must rot, must decompose the outer skins that surround the embryo of the new plant. The apparent death of the seed is the necessary step to give birth to new life.
stadium of darkness is the Winter Solstice, forty or forty-two days are the distance between the date of the Solstice and Candlemas (February 2 - Imbolc).
Says "Turba Philosophrum mouth of Sirius:
... signs or seed is a fruit of which is similar to that seed, once planted in the ground leave. Then it s'imputridisce (Yula, December 21) and puts out a bud White (Imbolc - Candlemas, Feb. 2 ).... it grows enough to give rise to a tree (Equinox, March 21) and this tree is another seed that can multiply (Beltane - May Day, April 30) to infinity. "


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