Monday, January 3, 2011

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Margnelli as I remember. Medical and consciousness researcher Pierangelo gauze NEUROBIOBLOG

has been five years since the death of Marco Margnelli (Milano 0.1939-2005). One scholar who has anticipated many of the current interest in neuroscience, and especially relating to the investigation of the neuropsychological been of consciousness. He always declared atheist, agnostic indeed, but the experience of the sacred - embodied and lived in the body in summer and stigmatized - it attracted and involved him deeply. All of the borderline dimension, not in the pathological sense, the mind (including those that are defined phenomena "paranormal") were for him the object of attention and scientific investigation. And his interest in the stigmatized view of psychosomatic medicine was: if the mind is capable of producing similar lesions in the body, perhaps we can discover how to reverse it. For the benefit of patients with psychosomatic disorders and alterations of character. He called the whole history of the paranormal investigation as archives of illusion "in the sense that those who study these phenomena, focusing its attention on the phenomenon rather than on the psyche and the body of one who" lived "this phenomenology. A Margnelli interested instead neuropsychological and anthropological approach to the brain and body in the summer, mystics, psychics, healers. Of all the people ignored and neglected by science, which, perhaps, was to learn something about the nature of consciousness and, in particular, the mind-body relationships. If these people claim to live certain experiences - it was his opinion - as we see, how and under what Correll neuropsychological this occurs. Marco
Margnelli had two faces: that of the researcher and the clinician. His work as a family doctor, a psychotherapist, but never stopped to think and act as a researcher. He was born researcher, a neurophysiologist at the University of Milan and within the National Research Council (made studies on sleep and REM stage with a historical name of neuroscience, Giuseppe Moruzzi). The fact that we have made and released by the University and the doctor does not diminish his skills as a researcher. In fact, I think the spread and complete. Would have ended up doing the work of laboratory research, as well as Margnelli did field research. Methods adopted by medical anthropologist. Equally
happened with George Gagliardi, who is also general practitioner, hypnotist, psychotherapist and researcher. Margnelli Gagliardi created in Milan and the research center and the psychophysiology of states of consciousness from a small assembly of local fans and scholars of the states of consciousness, in a few years became known in Italy and abroad, producing research, publications and taking part in Italian and international conferences. The Centre was the largest strands of studies on sensory, healers, ecstatic, stigmatized. In those years, eighties and nineties, and Margnelli Gagliardi became the leading experts in this type of phenomenology, consulted, invited to meetings, and interviewed several times.
Studies of visionaries Margnelli of Gagliardi and established a model to study medical anthropology. As with the stigmatized, an investigation which followed three main phases: collection of the testimony of the subject and those who followed him (or doctors who were acolytes), data collection and clinical psychological subject (using test psicoproiettivi, multiphasic inventory of Minnesota personality and laboratory analysis); instrumental verification of the truthfulness of the subject (using, for example, lie detector, the cosidddetta "lie", el'elettroencefalografo). Giorgio Gagliardi, vice president of the Center, in those years became inter alia, a great expert on lie detector much to be consulted in the medical-legal consultant and asked how many programs televisive.Ad some this approach might seem overly positivist and instrumental, however, such a methodology to acquire scientific knowledge on the visionaries and mystics who did not previously exist. Clarifying - long before George Lapassade, entologo and French social psychologist, with a number of other intellectual abilities, a scholar of the "trans" and been corrected, which Margnelli had contacts and exchanges - the slope "natural" dissociation. Including the fact that mystics and stigmatized do not necessarily have to be classified as "hysterical." Including these subjects in phenomenology of hysterical, according Margnelli was not only simplistic, but added virtually nothing to the understanding of the psychophysiology of the experience of the sacred. George Lapassade still had an important role in introducing himself to the academic study of states of consciousness: I remember his collaboration with the sociologist of religion Peter Fumarola University of Lecce, and studies on states of consciousness associated with the phenomenon of "tarantula."
Margnelli Marco has always been, skiing, a researcher, a neurophysiologist. Never separated from his academic training, while addressing issues that initially his university colleagues, appeared extravagant: the hypnotic trance, mystical ecstasy, psychoactive drugs, the stigmatized, the feel, the healers. Margnelli The idea was: if these things exist and are widely used in various eras and cultures humanities, we must study the methods of science. There may be a global theory of consciousness, if not trying to understand the "other" states of the brain and mind. His approach was a mix between that of the anthropologist and physician, with a "gift" of the laboratory.
If she never misses was experimental, even laboratory tests on the subjects studied, and of course their will. The first phase was the anthropologist: we study the subject in its environment. The second stage: if the subject is collaborativeness, sottoponiamolo to a whole series of tests and inspections, which could range from psychological tests, personality inventories, the lie detector (called the polygraph, but rather to detect the reactions psychophysiological), the biochemical analysis. Someone used an oxymoron to describe this kind of approach, which in its brevity makes it quite the idea of \u200b\u200bthe attitude of Margnelli about the person who is to study and analyze "critical empathy".
Margnelli was undoubtedly multifaceted, with many other attitudes and values \u200b\u200bas well as that of the researcher. It was a great orator. Seemingly shy and reserved, is transformed every time you speak in public. He had a low tone of voice, and made no effort deliberately to raise it. In fact, it was the audience to pay attention, and was duly impressed by its padronaza argument, the clarity and precision of its terms. It would be a good lecturer, but for a series of events, it was found to be a doctor mutualist, the hypnotist and psychotherapist. Unless recover his qualities as a teacher on several occasions and, in particular, in courses, much appreciated, he held at the Italian Medical Association for the Study of 'hypnosis (AMIS) Milan.
In any case, declared a regular basis and considered a "scientist". From this point of view is his passionate research on states of consciousness: certainly not the hobby of a physician neurophysiologist former CNR, but rather the work of a scholar who, while outside of academia, had succeeded in maintaining high their professionalism, subject knowledge and ability to use research tools and standards accepted and shared.
It had an innate aptitude for teaching, an extraordinary ability as an orator, to involve the public through reports and conferences combining anecdotes of his research, the specific references tratti dalla letteratura scientifica, intuizioni lessicali sue proprie.C’era molto da imparare da Margnelli. Ed infatti, non sono mai mancati gruppi di persone, di ogni età, attorno a lui e attorno alla sua attività. Parecchi studiosi, ricercatori, ma anche studenti (sia di medicina, psicologia, filosofia o altro) che impostarono, ad esempio, la propria tesi di laurea sulle ricerche realizzate da Margnelli. Rimanendo magari in seguito nel suo ampio studio a fare praticantato, sia per la professione che per le ricerche sugli stati di coscienza. Aveva la capacità di dialogare con i giovani, cogliendo pure i suggerimenti e le indicazioni che da essi gli venivano.

Fu un ottimo divulgatore: oltre ai suoi libri, scrisse parecchi articoli for various science magazines. Establishments such as the first Italian journal of popular science: Knowing Giulio Maccacaro. And the initial plan of Riza and Psychosomatics Morelli Masaraki. Often taken part in television interviews - remember the television crew in his office - and TV programs, in particular, to the end, after moving to Rome, the series Miracles conducted by Peter and Helen Vigorelli garnish Rete 4.
Sure, sometimes it did not involve activity by the level of its professionalism and scientific background, but his attitude has always been of openness and cooperation. Do not miss doing his clarifications and his criticism, if was the case. But, basically, was not denied. I met Marco
Margnelli - I already knew that for his books and his research - in the late eighties. Then he attends every day in the first half of the nineties. If I recall an image, I see him in his doctor's office, his desk littered with various objects, including the ever-present cigarette and a pipe for moments of meditation and reflection. His love of rationality, combined intuition of the moment, however, his comments always accurate and enlightening, sometimes witty, perhaps accompanied by her laugh a little 'hoarse smoker, very special. Even when we met at home its near the Arena, to talk about projects, cooking his dish, derived from ancestors of the Valtellina her family of origin: pizzoccheri.
I can see him in his medical practice. Behind him, the library, with some of his books, notes, research protocols and folders of documents for his articles and books. Of the study on a 5 Villoresi in Milan, the Navigli area, which was formerly his father, also a doctor. On one side of the room to the right of Margnelli, a large sofa covered with a heavy red and black velvet cloth, on which was spread patients for psychotherapy and hypnosis.
And the eternal life go. In the morning and Evening mutual band patients. In the afternoon, which followed patients from a specialist.
the phone for one reason or another, rang continuously. Especially when we organize meetings, conventions and conferences. Or to visit, even impromptu, scholars in transit to Milan. Also because of the medical Margnelli was also home to the research center on the phenomenology of the states of consciousness, naming mileage to say that, at those meetings, but also in the field, we deal with research regarding the altered states of consciousness.
Both those induced in a "natural" (sleep and dreaming, hypnosis, trance, trance, meditation), and those induced by psychoactive substances. With regard to field studies, in other places where from time to time Margnelli was requested, there was such a controlled experiment, in which he took part with other psychotherapists and "Entronauta. It was one of the first times that a group of Italian researchers - psychologists, psychiatrists, psychotherapists - itself experienced the effects of ayahuasca, the "vine of death" or "telepathine. This is a plant (liana) from Amazon which is converted into a drink that causes hallucinogenic and dissociative experiences.
Margnelli remember it was at the time, heavy emotional experiences. Told later that it was as if they were open taps of all the suffering that is brought inside. In those years, through Margnelli and the Italian Society for the study of states of consciousness (Sissc), which he chaired, had also the opportunity to meet and interview, during a meeting in Rovereto, Albert Hofmann, the chemist pharmaceutical (ex Sandoz ) discoverer of LSD, after scholar and author of several essays on the role of psychoactive substances in human cultures. The interview was published the first issue of Elsewhere Sissc that Margnelli conceived and baptized with the psychoanalyst Gilberto Camilla, who succeeded in following the direction, and the small group leader of the association. Were part of that group of young researchers great preparation and intelligence, including memory, just to name a couple, George Samorini, ethnobotanist and student of history, culture and science of psychoactive substances, Antonio Bianchi, anesthetist and toxicologist. These were the years when Margnelli was recognized as a pioneer and undisputed master of these studies in Italy, and he was justly proud and motivated to undertake new initiatives, cultural, research and meetings.
studies conducted by The Center Margnelli in Milan, at his studio, was a sea port. Held evening meetings, usually mid-week, in an atmosphere of camaraderie. You will learn new things and at the same time, we had fun. The exchange and comparison with students of different backgrounds and disciplines, united by research on states of consciousness, sometimes very lively, it was always a stimulating experience. Passing scholars and people of all kinds, even days, some extravagant and frankly bizarre. The sofa in the study of Margnelli, on which the patients lay in analysis or hypnotic session, it happened to become a makeshift bed for anyone, including myself, was getting late after the meeting and could not return to train at their home, outside Milan.
Mark loved the company, the loneliness. He alternated between moments of great joy and bawdy jokes, others in which he expressed his vein maliconica, introverted. Always accept to meet and exchange a few chats, especially at lunch and dinner or for coffee in the cafes of Via Villoresi, just outside the consulting room. That was a lovely area, on the canals. Milan was one of the old days, an atmosphere of neighborhood where everyone knew everyone, let alone the Doctor.
In any case, just entered the studio, once you understood, from his expression and his answer in monosyllables, if Mark wanted to talk, or was immersed in the writing of some scientific work, some new article or book. He had a great capacity for concentration and extreme mental clarity. You always surprised, sometimes with lightning intuitions and precise, others for its simplicity, and sometimes almost childish naivete, in human relationships.
The intense activities of the Centre directed by Margnelli international conference culminated with the dimensions of consciousness, held in Florence in 1992, during which they fought for the first time in multidisciplinary (there were reports on the side of historical, anthropological, even criminology, as well as psychological and psychiatric), the theme of consciousness and its changes, both in a "natural" and pathological. At the conference in Florence, for a series of fortunate coincidences, given the limited financial resources, scientists participated in the level of Kenneth Ring, a psychologist at the University of Connecticut among the most serious study and near-death experiences (NDE).
Another important step was the creation of the collective volume The phenomenology of normal and altered consciousness (Theta Publications, Milano 1994) that, in practice, home-printed, with so much difficulty in managing distributed mainly to libraries of Milan. And 'in fact, a volume currently unavailable. The book opened with the section headed "What a state of consciousness" which illustrate the theme Margnelli referring to a model that had won at least twenty years and had subsequently led to devote themselves assiduously to topic: map of states of consciousness of the American psychiatrist Roland Fischer (the original work was published in the prestigious journal Science in 1971 under the title "A Cartography of the Ecstatic and Meditative States").
was a tenacious worker and demanding, he loved the precision of the methodical researcher, who had been trained, fed and with great passion that he did. As a psychotherapist
was more on the side of Freud (admired him as a scientist and writer), than on that of Jung. Margnelli was attracted by the unusual, but his effort was to explain the mentality and instruments rational. By his own admission, both serious and ironic, in the last years of his life had grown a beard to look like even more to the father of psychoanalysis. And, like Freud, was a heavy smoker. Other highlights include
Margnelli relationships with the world of culture and art, its historic links with the Foundation for Contemporary Art Mudima of Milan and the research protocol that sets up "states of consciousness and creativity," a group involving artists, writers and musicians, including jazz musician and composer Gaetano Liguori. Margnelli had important contacts and intellectual exchanges with several representatives of the artistic world of those years, for example, the psychedelic artist Matteo Guarnaccia, or the ethno-photography artist, teacher and Watsu, Italo Bertolasi. But even with journalists and writers, as Lina Sotis, Kasam Viviana Franco Bolelli, Gianni De Martino. Just to name a few, among the many figures that Margnelli met, attended and with whom he collaborated.
was able to involve the audience with a brilliant speech, read, how to mix his university experience and within the National Research Council, his extensive scientific and general, his flair for the new, his ability to synthesize (including lexical ; could always find concise definition, creative and effective for complex phenomena). Always retained the ability to synthesize, to go hard (did not like very long digressions or turns of phrase) that was able to improve during his stay as a researcher at the Karl Ludwig Institut für Physiologie, University of Leipzig, the first, and the United States (University of North Carolina), as a result.
Margnelli was also a great communicator: he wrote several articles for popular science journals, in which he could combine a great style, with the hook to theories that we believe that, (for example, the mapping of the conscience of Roland Fischer, who never failed quote), and his research insights and vocabulary. That
with Giorgio Gagliardi, also a doctor, psychotherapist, hypnotist and teacher of AMIS, it was a collaboration Margnelli important. Gagliardi shared with a lot of research and publications, for example, on stigmatized (Or pseudo such as were able to ascertain, in some cases fraudulent), and in particular on the visionaries. On the latter, held true to its established range of neuropsychological manifestations, was established a commission to study by the University of Milan, where, among others, were part of the pharmacologist and Margnelli Maurizio Santini.
were considered the true "ecstatic trance" and evoked potentials recorded in the visionaries, but obviously not Margnelli ever expressed about the nature of the "perceived" by them.
Important for the research carried out on the ecstatic and visionaries, were using electroencephalograph, which Margnelli was expert, and the lie detector (the so-called "lie detector"). These tools were used by Margnelli Gagliardi and not only to test the reliability of seers and psychics who were studied, but also the related psicofiologici that, for example, was accompanied with altered states of consciousness. There are, moreover, that incorporating biochemical laboratory tests on samples of subjects studied, with their consent, in the style of the researcher with training and neuropsychological approach, but also clinical.
Margnelli also provided a scientific dimension to the "culture psychedelic sixties. Drawing from those anticipatory movements of the New Age, the best you could get: a more complete study of human nature and, in particular of consciousness in its various expressions and manifestations.
As a physician, was among the first to use a holistic approach, even in administering care to their patients: the synthesis of medicine, but also homeopathy and biofeedback, for example. He was always open to therapeutic solutions, from any area arrive without preconceived ideas. Reserved the right to assess the real benefits for his patients, sometimes even to himself, before denying or marry a particular therapeutic approach, seemingly unorthodox. He believed and advocated strongly for the possibility of an "integrated" medicine and therapies.
That his being an atheist, positivist and at the same time, attracted by the mystery of religion and conscience, so as to make the "science of states of consciousness" the best interests of his research life, he made a character of ' modern era, with all its contradictions: charming, passionate, controversial, worthy of being studied and commented on much longer. Always looking for an "elsewhere", in which he now dwells. Http://


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